Discover the Secrets of Dry Skin: Causes and Restorative Solutions!

Dry skin can be a total bummer— In this blog post, we'll focus on specific areas that often experience intense dryness and share effective solutions to restore their natural softness. Say goodbye to roughness and discomfort as we dive into the secrets of revitalizing your hands, feet, and elbows!

What is causing dry, cracked skin?

  • Frequent Hand Washing and Sanitizing:

    Our hands are subjected to regular washing and sanitizing, which can strip away the natural oils that keep the skin moisturized. This repetitive exposure to water, harsh soaps, and hand sanitizers can lead to dryness and roughness.

  • Excessive Friction and Pressure on Feet:

    Constant friction from walking, running, or wearing tight shoes can cause calluses and dryness on the feet. Additionally, excessive pressure on certain areas, such as the heels, can contribute to thickened, cracked skin.

  • Environmental Factors:

    The environment plays a significant role in causing dry skin. Dry air, especially during colder months or in arid climates, can strip away the skin's natural moisture, leading to dryness and discomfort. Additionally, exposure to harsh weather conditions, such as strong winds or excessive sun exposure, can further dehydrate the skin.

  • Aging:

    As we age, our skin undergoes various changes, including a decrease in natural oil production and a decline in moisture retention abilities. This can lead to dryness, fine lines, and a dull complexion. The skin's ability to repair itself also diminishes with age, making it more prone to dryness and damage.

How do we restore our dry, cracked skin?

  • Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize:

    Apply a rich, hydrating moisturizer specifically formulated for hands, feet, and elbows…AKA Crack Derma. Opt for natural and nourishing moisturizers that are free from harsh chemicals or irritants. Apply the moisturizer after washing or sanitizing hands, before bed, and whenever your skin feels dry.

  • Protect and Hydrate Overnight:

    For an extra moisture boost, apply a generous layer of moisturizer to your hands, feet, and elbows before bed. Cover the areas with either a pair of cotton gloves, socks, or a long sleeve shirt to lock in the moisture overnight. Crack Derma Liquid Spray is a great option before bed due to its rich, thick oil. It will coat your cracks giving you healthy skin in the morning :)

  • Humidify Your Environment:

    Using a humidifier at home or in your workspace can help counteract the drying effects of indoor heating or air conditioning. Maintaining optimal humidity levels (around 40-60%) can provide relief to dry skin.

  • Exfoliate for Smoothness:

    Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and promotes the absorption of moisturizing products. Use a gentle scrub or a pumice stone to exfoliate the feet and elbows regularly. For the hands, consider a mild exfoliating hand wash or a sugar scrub to slough away roughness.

Dry, cracked skin can be a common and uncomfortable concern, but with the right knowledge you can restore your skin's radiance. By understanding the causes, such as environmental factors, bathing habits, and implementing solutions such as moisturizing frequently you can take proactive steps to combat dryness.


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